Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Petit Dejeuner Au Lit

Heres the poster, block-in, and ebauche for "Petit Dejeuner Au Lit" 16'x20". I did the underpainting over a raw umber toned canvas, to get the paleness of the ebauche to look a little less milky. The background interior is a corner of my bedroom which I'm in the process of doing a small painted study for. I plan to paint the final version from the study and drawings. One of the things that they've been pushing at GCA lately is the idea of taking reality and altering it somewhat to suit a specific goal rather than just rendering things as they are. Although this scene isn't that much of a stretch, it does include an arrangement that couldn't actually exist in my bedroom. Eventually I'm going to include some figures with a bit of narrative. One of the things that I tell my students and workshop participants is that if you're not getting excited at the underpainting stage, don't go any further, this is where you'll find the spark to carry you through all the long, hard work that's ahead.

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