Monday, January 19, 2009

Nancy's Jacket

Well, I guess I'm getting close to being finished on this one. I blasted in the clothing fairly quickly because I knew once my wife got up for a break it would be a whole new set of fold patterns. I oiled out the entire face and then literally set about pinning the ears to the head as I could see they were to light and too "up".I'll probably do one more pass, after spraying with retouch varnish to tie up any loose ends. All in all, I'm fairly happy with the results. I see a lot of problems that will have to be ironed out just through the experience of painting a lot more portraits, which I intend to do. It's a pretty good likeness and I think I've captured the aging face of a fifty year old woman who somehow miraculously manages to still maintain that innocent little girl look that I fell in love with over thirty years ago.(or maybe I'm just projecting). Next portrait I'm going to try out the Zorn palette of black, white, cadmium red light and yellow ochre.

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